

Popular celebrities in Japan part1

How well do you know Japanese celebrities? In this article, we will introduce some of the most popular and handsome actors in Japan. How many of them do you know?

Do you know the word “チャラい”?

Let's learn some Japanese slang today! Is there anyone around you who is like this? Someone who is always partyin...

3 ways to say “Really?”

There are three words for 【Really】 in Japanese. I'm sure you've all heard of them at least once, as they often appear in manga and anime. I'll teach you how to use them in different situations!

What is the most popular alcoholic beverage in Japan?

Japanese people get red in the face when they drink alcohol, but they love it! When you think of Japan, you may have a strong image of sake, but what is actually the most popular type of alcohol drunk in Japan?

Valentine’s Day in Japan

Valentine's Day is a big day for Japanese women every year. This is because we have to buy and prepare a lot of chocolates. Valentine's Day in Japan isn't like it is overseas!

How to say annoying in Japanese?

Are there any annoying people around you? I'll show you a casual word you can say to those people!

Can you say “This is my first time to study Japanese” in Japanese?

Life is full of firsts. The first moment of anything is precious because it will never come again. Today we're going to study some Japanese words you can use when things happen for the first time!

How to find a room in Japan?

The long awaited life in Japan has begun. But how to find a room in Japan? Don't worry, this article will tell you everything you need to know! Let's find a room that suits you together!

Japanese photo sticker called “プリクラ / Purikura”

There are photo booths in Japan where anyone can be cute and look like a model. Do you want to know what it is?

Japanese culture called “空気を読む”

Japan has many cultures unique to Japan. The act of reading the air is one of them. I will explain such a unique Japanese behavior in this lesson!